Sunday, September 30, 2012

Super Pacs, Good for American Democracy?

After 2010, Politics and elections gave a big turn. From this year corporations were allowed to support their political candidate or party without limit in their funds. This of course has caused a big deal between citizens. Some of them argue that this will increase people’s expectations and ideas about their candidates and they will know all the truth about them. However, some others say that this is no democracy because when money can be used limitless even the votes can be bought.

It is not a surprise that for the conservative view this new law will be an advantage. Corporations will always support the candidate who cuts taxes so they can save millions of dollars and make more profits. For conservatives free speech has to be spread all around the country and for them corporations are not the exception.

On the other hand, liberals claim that when money is involved the results can be manipulated. This investment will also be a dangerous one. Corporations will invest for the candidates that are going to favor them. These shadowed campaigns will try to convince the poor or less educated people.

I think allowing corporations to use their money without a limit in the political campaigns has advantages and disadvantages. As citizens, we want to know what is going on with the candidates and with money we can find out even their more hidden secrets. On the other hand, I do not believe in the fact that this 2012 are going to be clean and totally uncorrupted.

1 comment:

  1. Johanna,

    Good post, but I have some suggestions.

    Try to infuse lots of facts into each paragraph. Use statistics, names, events, dates, and quotes from experts.

    Your paragraphs need more information. Also, your opposing viewpoint paragraph is too short. Which conservatives support Citizens United? How much money is being raised?

    Your writing is good, but I would like to see more specific information/content.

    Also, where are the pictures? Don't forget to put at least 2.

    GR: 84
